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Holy Trinity CofE Primary School


At Holy Trinity, we offer a lot more than academic excellence.

We offer a range of enrichment experiences that take place outside of the classroom, providing the opportunity to develop hobbies and pursue interests as well as to inspire and broaden skills and knowledge.

The below should hopefully give you a flavour of our enrichment offer:


We value our pupil voice and encourage our pupils to take on roles of responsibility and develop leadership skills through the following:

  • Head Boy/Girl
  • Leading Citizens
  • Safeguarding Committee
  • RE Leads
  • Eco Ambassadors
  • Travel Ambassadors
  • Digital Leaders
  • Friendship Buddies
  • Chess Monitors


School trips and visits to places of educational interest are an integral part of our curriculum. They provide rich and memorable experiences for pupils, support their learning and provide them with a sense of the wider world. Each year group are offered the chance to attend at least six trips per year which are either free of charge or reasonably priced.


We have a number of clubs on offer to our pupils covering a range of diverse interests such as Mandarin, Chess, Football with Millwall FC, Multi Sports, Gymnastics, Italian, Choir, Piano, Guitar, Bible, Reading, Home Learning, plus loads more.

Find out more here


Through specialist teachers and partnerships our children are encouraged to discover and develop their musical talents. Pupils learn to play the recorder (Year 3), violin (Year 4) and ukelele (Year 5) in their Music lessons and instrumental tuition can also be offered in a range of instruments for those wishing to develop their skills further. Pupils can join after school clubs such as choir, piano and guitar, and they also have the opportunity to demonstrate their musical ability through annual events such as carol singing at St Christopher’s, Young Voices at the O2 arena, Prom Praise at the Royal Albert Hall and Song Fest at Deptford Green School.

Projects and Workshops

We provide our pupils with the opportunity to participate in a wide range of projects and initiatives such as Forest School. We also work with a number of external partners who share their knowledge and skills with pupils, staff and parents, providing exciting experiences and allowing for personal development.



We pride ourselves in celebrating each other’s successes and achievements, celebrating cultures, beliefs and differences and celebrating notable days in the year. For example:

  • Class assemblies
  • Exhibitions of work
  • Charity days
  • World Book Day